How to Write a Resume that Lands Interviews

Did you ever sit down to write a job application and think:

“I’ve no idea if this will even get read”?

I’m talking about that feeling when you’re ready to market test your non-academic job application for the first few times, and you’re unsure how it will be received.

Your expertise can be as relevant and exceptional as you like, but if your application doesn’t convey a compelling message, isn’t marketed in the right way, and tailored to the job in question, chances are its heading for the crossroads where obscurity meets failure.

Recruiters don’t shortlist the best candidates, they shortlist the best candidates whose applications they can relate to.

If you’re preparing applications to transition out of academia or thinking about doing this in the future, then do yourself a favour and take 10 mins to watch this video I recorded that outlines some top tips for generating a resume that can land you interviews in the non-academic job market:

PS: If you’re at the stage in your career where this type of stuff is super relevant then get your personal questions about your applications answered in the BB community, where other STEM professionals seek and provide advice about their career development:

Here’s the link

Speak to you there!


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