Why Understanding Workplace Culture is so Important for Job Seekers

Since graduating in 1999, I’ve had the pleasure of working in 6 academic departments and 4 multinationals. I’ve transitioned from academia to industry twice; once as a graduate and again later as a PI. And therefore, also moved from industry to academia once (and who knows what’s on the cards for me in the future….). … Read more

How to Get Hired in Pharma

Learn what recruiters in the pharma industry are looking for in applicants and how to put your best foot forward with your application (even without prior industry experience). I interviewed Sam Barrett, a career coach and former recruiter for the pharma industry. Sam provides advice about preparing applications for jobs in pharma and what can … Read more

How to Write a Resume that Lands Interviews

Did you ever sit down to write a job application and think: “I’ve no idea if this will even get read”? I’m talking about that feeling when you’re ready to market test your non-academic job application for the first few times, and you’re unsure how it will be received. Your expertise can be as relevant … Read more