Interested in learning more about how the pharmaceutical industry convey their scientific information? If so, join the London Med Affairs and Communications Meetup Group to learn about the latest trends.
I’ve introduced this group before. The aim of the London Med Affairs and Communications Meetup Group is to discuss current trends in the pharmaceutical sector and provide networking opportunities for people in Medical Affairs and Medical Communications, and those wanting to find out more.
Their events are free, so if you’re interested in learning more about opportunities in Medical Affairs/Medical Communications and are based in/around London, this group is for you.

Their next event is about how pharma companies have begun embracing patient engagement:
Next Event: Patient Engagement in Scientific Communications
Date: November 12, 2019, 6-8.15 pm
Where: WeWork, The Atrium, 3 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, EC1N 2SW
Details: Patients and the public are increasingly seeking for their voice to be heard in all aspects of healthcare, including the development of medicines. In response to this, pharmaceutical companies have started incorporating patient voice in drug development and, by engaging with patients, they benefit from the insights they have into the conditions for which they are trying to develop products.
There will be two 30 min presentations on the topic, by subject experts:
- Presentation 1: Citizen Reporting in Health: A Patient Engagement Format that Breaks Down Barriers Between Health Science and Patients, presented by Dr Emily Thompson (the “MS Reporters” Programme Manager at Emily brings over 15 years experience working in the health sector in both medical research and medical communications).
Emily will present an overview of “MS Reporters”, a programme of work run by the charity the social network for people living with multiple sclerosis. The video interview format is a patient-led eHealth solution that breaks down barriers between health science and patients. It is a format of citizen reporting in health in which patients, trained as citizen reporters, interview health experts on questions that matter to the community they represent.
The MS Reporters interview researchers, healthcare professionals, lifestyle specialists and other patients who share their lived experiences. The videos are shared online globally with the wider health-condition community, resulting in patient-led global access to clear, trusted and relevant expert knowledge. have demonstrated the patient engagement format delivers health impacts for people living with MS.
- Presentation 2: Patient engagement in scientific communications, presented by Dr Lauri Arnstein (Patient Partnership Liaison at Envision Pharma Group. Lauri has prior experience both as a practicing clinician and as a medical writer in the medical communications sector).
Lauri will present an overview of patient involvement in medicines development, focusing on results reporting and publications. There is a growing demand from patients and the public for clear, accessible and relevant scientific content. I’m addition, patients are increasingly becoming involved in conducting and publishing research.
Pharmaceutical clients are starting to respond to this need, and medical communications professionals have the opportunity to develop new skills and support them. Lauri will focus on plain language summaries and patient authorship as two current trends in this area.

There will also be ample time for networking and a chance to meet others (including the speakers).
Sign up to the London Med Affairs and Communications Meetup Group and join for an evening of discussion, networking and drinks.
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