Interested in a career in medical affairs (med affairs) or medical communications (med comms)? Join a New Meetup Group in London to Learn More…
The London Med Affairs and Communications Meetup Group
The Medical Affairs sector has exploded over the last decade. The scientific and clinical expertise of the Med Affairs teams allows scientific and clinical results to flow between the medical community and pharma companies, leading to improved patient outcomes.
Jobs are diverse and include (but are not limited to): Medical Affairs Officer, Medical Affairs Manager, Medical Director, Head of Medical Affairs, Associate Director of Medical Affairs, Medical Manager, Medical Writer, Medical Advisor, Senior Medical Advisor, and Medical Science Liaison.
If you’re interested in a career in med affairs and med comms, and looking to get to know people in the sectors, come along and meet people from all different backgrounds. It’s a diverse group, including med affairs and med comms professionals, aspiring professionals, academics, and anyone with a genuine interest in med affairs.
The group organises bi-annual events with speakers and thought leaders from the medical and pharmaceutical communities to provide their expertise, exchange knowledge, highlight issues, and discuss practical solutions to challenges faced in the med affairs and med comms arenas. Meetings encourage group discussion both at the event and afterwards.
So if you live in or around London, why not go along and learn from med affairs professionals about the latest developments in the sector and expand your network?

Next Event: Effective Communication in Health Science
June 19, 2019, 6 pm
WeWork, The Atrium, 3 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, EC1N 2SW
Written communication remains the most prevalent form of communication between specialists and primary care givers in the healthcare sector. Effective and accurate communication is essential to ensure continuity of care to patients.
At their next free Meetup event, the London Med Affairs and Communications Meetup Group will discuss the role of medical writers in delivering effective medical communication and current mechanisms driving the publishing sector.
There will be two 30 min presentations on the topic, by subject experts:
Presentation 1: Medical Communications Present and Future: A Freelancer’s View, presented by Dr Annie Rowe (a freelance medical writer with over 13 years experience):
Annie will discuss the role of medical writers in the changing medical publications landscape.
With prior experience of working in a medical communications agency and as a freelancer, she can offer insights to life as a medical writer both within a commercial agency and a freelance setting
Presentation 2: Insights into the Current Drivers in Funding, Production and Communication of Health Science, presented by Dr Davide Danovi (Director of the HipSci Cell Phenotyping Programme Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine at King’s College, London):
Davide will present his viewpoint of the challenges and opportunities currently faced in the scientific publishing sector. He will investigate how the current system works and asks if it is fit for purpose, unbiased, and accessible?
Recently publishing on this topic ‘Advocating a radical change in policies and new models to secure freedom and efficiency in funding and communication of science’, he will explore potential paths for improving scientific communication

There will also be ample time for networking and a chance to meet the speakers.
Sign up to the London Med Affairs and Communications Meetup Group and join for an evening of discussion, networking and drinks.
As always, sign up for regular commentary on career options for researchers at, or join in the discussion at our members forum.