From Academia to Entrepreneurship

I recently had a chat with Wilf Nelson a final year PhD candidate at the Centre for Human Brain Health, at the University of Birmingham, UK. Wilf’s research investigates how the brain processes information during simultaneous activation from multiple senses, using various neuroimaging techniques. Aside from finishing up work for his thesis, Wilf also runs … Read more

Out of Academia Phase 2, Networking: Increasing your Visibility in the Non-Academic Job Market

Proactively building a warm network of individuals who are prepared to help, is the key to launching and progressing your career. Last time I outlined the importance of networking in projecting yourself into the job market, and why you shouldn’t have any fears about networking to develop your career. Effective networking will provide you with … Read more

Out of Academia: Phase 2 — Networking (Part 1: Why Bother?)

Networking is essential to career progression, whether you want that coveted tenured position, or are looking to leave academia and forge a post-academic (post-ac) career elsewhere. In academia you have a readymade safety net of experienced senior colleagues who will hopefully vouch for you, interpret the nuances of the sector, and allow you access to … Read more