Academic CVs that get Noticed

In recent weeks, people have reached out to me, asking about the best way to secure academic research posts, including PhD and postdoc positions. So, this week I thought I’d touch on this. The first thing you need to get right, is to produce an academic CV that gets itself on the ‘yes’ pile.   … Read more

(Re)-Introducing Biomed Badass

Dear Reader, Hi there, I’m Vicky Sherwood, the founder of the Biomed Badass (BB) blog and community. I just need to be straight up with you about something: This past 12 months has been a real rollercoaster for me. I had a baby in June and since then I’ve been trying to get my life … Read more

28 Insanely Useful Websites to Build an Amazing Career

Unsure where your career is going, whether you should stay in academia or move on, what your options are, how to secure funding, struggling to write effectively or get published? These are among some of the most common questions posed by the BB community. These questions are potentially life altering, challenging and complex issues that … Read more