Getting into Med School as a Second Career- A journey into primary care in your mid-to-late 30s…(03/04/18)

Dr Louise Plumtree is a general practitioner (GP) in the UK, who qualified after a first career in local government and a break as a full-time mum. Here I interview Louise about her experience of getting into medical school later in life with the challenges and rewards that it brings.  Question 1: What were you … Read more

A Day in the Life of a Principle Investigator (PI) in the Biomedical Field…(27/03/18)

Considering an academic career with an aim to bag that tenured position and run your own research group? The prospect of being able to answer your own scientific questions is a very compelling career prospect for a researcher. As a result this is many an aspiring post-doc’s dream, but what actually does this leadership transition … Read more

Are you empowered or trapped by your biomedical research education (part 3 of 4)?…(20/03/18)

Morning badasses! In this penultimate part of the series I explore how researchers can sometimes reach a point of ambivalence towards their academic employment situation. Feelings of failure, shame and a lack of knowledge about how their skill set could be utilised in other employment sectors, leaves many researchers feeling they need to stick it … Read more